Our Team

Serving Businesses For Over 2 Decades!

Robert S. Kanter

Owner / Software / Network Engineer

Robert Kanter is the founder of ITI Smart Solutions and has been working with computers and networks for over 35 years…

Andrew Richter

Operations Manager.

Andrew leads and coordinates the team to continue to provide excellent customer experience. He keeps the team working as effectively as possible.

Andrew also ensures that customers receive the best solutions to their technological issues. This makes Andrew is an indispensable member of the ITI team.

Andy Stierwalt

Service Center Manager

Andy proudly hails from Indianapolis, where he received an AS degree in
Computer Networking…

Andy joined the ITI Smart Solutions team in 2016 as a computer repair phone support technician and has moved up to become the Service Center Manager and a valued asset to the ITI team.

Ed Bingham

System Technician

Ed is the primary on-site tech for ITI Smart

In 2015 Ed came aboard the ITI Smart Solutions team as our lead onsite systems technician and handles our customer’s Master Service Agreement (MSA), including network systems and servers. Ed oversees all active monitoring of customer’s servers to ensure they continue to operate smoothly.

Ben Kanter

Website Projects’ Technician

Ben is currently a student at Purdue University Indianapolis studying Computer Science. He joined ITI Smart as a technician working directly with customers with technical support.

He also works directly with our customers who are looking to get new websites developed. Also ensures that all websites conform to the customer’s standards, and that any changes are completed in a timely manner.


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(10am - 05 pm)
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Business Construction
Business Coach
Finance 2
Corporate 1
Corporate 2
Corporate 3
Business 1
Business 2
Business 3
IT Solution
Tax Consulting
Human Resource
Life Coach
Finance RTL